The top athletes in the sporting world devote their time, energy even their lifestyle, to achieving their goals. They make this their priority, and nothing else matters. That level of commitment would faze many of us. Yet Jesus teaches us that we are to “Follow Him in a life of dedication, devotion and service.” Nothing else really matters as the goal is running the race to achieve the prize of eternity.

The Psalmist in Ch 37 v 5 says “Commit yourself to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will help you!” The dictionary description of dedication is committed, devoted, purposeful, wholehearted.

 Does this describe your relationship with Jesus??

On Saturday, I was among a group who attended a BTI Reunion held at Laidlaw College in Henderson. We celebrated our two years of learning, training and study to prepare ourselves for the calling which God had made upon our lives.

Many, after graduation went to the Mission Field. Some had further training to enter the ministry, while others served the Lord in Churches and Fellowships engaging in preaching, youth groups and Bible education in Sunday Schools and Bible classes.

At our graduation held in the Auckland Town Hall, we sang the Dedication Hymn. We sang it again at the Reunion. The words are significant and very moving. Here are some of them.

I would be Thy Holy Temple

Sacred and Indwelt by Thee

Nought then could stain my Commission

Tis thy divine charge to me……………..


I Dedicate myself to thee, O Master who has chosen me

My every selfish aim denying, I give my all on Thee relying

Take Thou my life, and use me at Thy will

In deep submission, I dedicate myself to Thee

Paul writing to Timothy reminds him that God is able to keep that which we have committed to HIM.  Let us dedicate ourselves afresh to God to serve, obey and learn of Him preparing us to “run the race”.

Selwyn Hooker